The idea
Three Seas Leadership School is a unique summer school, established by SGH Warsaw School of Economics to give young people from the Three Seas countries an opportunity to express their ideas for the development of today’s world through teamwork.
It’s meant to create a valuable network of connections that will empower the participants and, in the long term, contribute to better political and economic cooperation on an international level.
About Three Seas Initiative
The Three Seas Initiative was founded in 2015 as a forum of cooperation between 12 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. It aims to strengthen relations in the region of Central Europe (between the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Seas) and to create a base for economic development in the field of energy, transport, digital communications and business.
The area covering the countries of the Three Seas Initiative represents almost one third of the total area of the European Union. More than 112 million people live here.
The priority for the Three Seas Initiative is to build a coherent and well-integrated infrastructure in Central Europe, which will help to overcome the economic differences in relation to western Europe resulting from historical background. This will reduce the infrastructural and economic inequalities of the common European market, which will limit the division of the EU into less and more developed areas. The Three Seas Initiative is pro-European and complementary to existing regional cooperation formats.
SGH Warsaw School of Economics is the leading business and economics university in Poland. As an oldest institution of its kind in the region, SGH Warsaw School of Economics pursues its mission of shaping future changemakers. SGH Warsaw School of Economics is famous for its tradition, flexible course programmes, unquestionable academic authority, and ever expanding list of renowned alumni.
The organising team
The executive team consists of volunteers from the European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development. EFRP operates at the intersections of education and business, changing the paradigm of entrepreneurship education, shaping social ties and civic attitudes, as well as building a positive image of Poland as an economic and social leader among the countries of the region. The Foundation focuses its activities in the Visegrad Group countries and the Three Seas Initiative.
Read the terms and conditions here: